Kimber had a pig. Yes, she did—a real pig! It was foisted on her by her mother—the one who brooks no nonsense or takes no for an answer. The pig, a mere piglet at first, grows. And grows. And grows. Meanwhile, the pig has to be fed, groomed, petted and taken to school—all by Kimber, of course. Contrary to expectation, the pig is a hit at school. . . until he meets the school inspector. Then things get serious, very serious, until Kimber (and the pig) end up in court. However, her sworn foe and ardent admirer, Dakota, comes to the rescue (more or less)—him and the rest of the country.
Freely based on a real young lady who had a real pig in her bedroom, Kimber’s Pig is a lighthearted, fun tale, suitable for grade two through grade five.
Softcover, 132 pages.