Tiptoes Lightly lives in an acorn high up in the branches of a Great Oak Tree. Big-Stamp follows her adventures – and those of her friends – through springtime. Early on in the book, Ompliant the Elephant’s leg is pulled by Chit-chat the Chipmunk; Puddle questions Six O’Clock as to ‘Why?’, and Tom Nutcracker – Farmer John’s son – follows giant footprints into the forest, but ends up getting treed. Then Tiptoes floats down to the sea on
Big-Stamp Two-Toes the Barefoot Giant is lavishly illustrated by the artist-author. They are reverent, humorous, sanguine and spiritual. They are innocent and magical tales, suitable for reading to children 6 years and up. Most of the stories in this book would be alright for younger children but you need to use your discretion and perhaps read a chapter or two ahead before reading to very young children.
Reg Down has taught (and told stories to) children in Waldorf schools over the past twenty-two years. He has performed eurythmy, developed colored shadow puppetry shows, painted and sculpted with and for children. He resides in Northern California.